Fitness Matcher mobile app
Helping people who enjoy playing sports games to find the right team members based locally.
Duration: 4-Days individual project
My Role: UX Research, UX Design
Tools: Pen and Paper, Marvel App, InDesign, Slack, Keynote
A short Design Sprint at General Assembly Immersive UX course to design a mobile app for the theme fitness that will help to solve the user problem simply and effectively.
The outcome is a Fitness Matcher mobile app that I designed for Severin, a busy marketing professional and student from London. The aim of the product is to help Severin to find team partners available to join him for a game at his local fitness facilities and match him with those of similar level of skills in his chosen sports activity. As it was a few days Design Sprint, the outcome is a low-fidelity clickable prototype in Marvel App.
To find out more how I discovered the user problem and created a solution, please read a full Case Study on Medium.